Ferruccio Bongianni
Principal DevOps Engineer,
Arm Ldt
Arm is a fairly large company, globally distributed, with different departments, groups and teams working on hardware and software technologies. In such an organization it is quite common to have different teams reinventing the wheel. Continuous Integration, and automation in general are paramount for any technology company, and Arm is no different. There are a few CI tools used in the company, Jenkins being one of them (among the most popular). Not uncommonly, each team within Arm manages its own Jenkins instances. One and a half years ago Arm decided to invest in providing a sort of "Jenkins as a Service" in a centralised manner, by setting up a platform team behind it. Moving to CloudBees CI seemed the straightforward logical choice. This talk is about Arm's journey from Jenkins OSS to CloudBees CI, a journey very much at the beginning, but with big expectations from both Arm and CloudBees and a partnership which will benefits both parties, as well as CloudBees CI customers around the world.
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