From ChatGPT to Production - Operationalizing Generative AI

Session Description

What is a developer platform? Who are the developer platform’s users? What is a good user experience for the developer platform’s users? These are some of the questions we set out to answer. Our aim was to create a platform that provided such a positive developer experience that developers would want to use it – that developer advocacy would bring the momentum to drive adoption. Trimming seconds off your pipeline won’t save millions, but if you can get buy-in from developers and build an ecosystem around it, then you open yourself many advantages including:

  • Faster feedback loop for developers means faster time to market
  • Free from lock-in to particular technology
  • Consistency across technology estate without mandating choices
  • Ability to innovate quickly and safely In this talk we will give you some insights on building developer platforms, show you the guiding principles, standards, ways of working that led us to deliver a successful and much loved platform.

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